BRIDGES primarily provides consultancy services to, and invests in, high-tech companies, with a non-exclusive focus on companies active in the healthcare markets.
Because the products, services and business models in this field are often complex and innovative in nature, our principle is only to consult on and invest in them if:
- they fall within our areas of expertise,
- we are personally completely convinced by the management team,
- we can effectively help bring about success through close, personal consultancy,
- any conflicts of interest with regard to other investment activities or consultancy projects can be clearly ruled out.
Selected activities:
BRIDGES is a founding shareholder in the Berlin-based BBAF Fondsgesellschaft mbH, a venture capital company for early-stage financing founded by business angels. Through this company, BRIDGES is currently also indirectly participating in eight high-tech companies.
BRIDGES’s own investment activities are focused on biotechnology and medical technology companies which combine real innovation with a high degree of clinical relevance. Examples of these include:
- Epiontis GmbH, a molecular diagnostics company based in Berlin (successful Exit in 2017),
- Epionics Medical GmbH a medical technology company and a Medical Device manufacturer, based in Potsdam,
- Epimune GmbH, a biomedical company and an IVD manufacturer based in Berlin,
- and Sanobis GmbH, a company working in the field of molecular human genetics, based in Bad Homburg.
In Berlin, CEO Michael Weber has also been a founding member of the Business Angels Club Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. since 2004. Business angels are private individuals who use their experience to support start-ups and young entrepreneurs with advice and finance. A business angel always invests in these businesses personally and for the long term. Business angels are not allowed to charge these companies for their consultancy services; in principle, they work on a pro bono basis.
In cases where we personally invest at the start up or fledgling stage, we also assume executive responsibility, generally for a limited period of time.