For some years now, a main area of focus for our work has been the healthcare markets, primarily those in Germany and Western Europe.
In order to be able to provide the most comprehensive expertise in these markets under a single roof, we at BRIDGES have diversified not only in-house but also through highly specialised partner consultancies.
We provide specialist consultancy services to companies and their owners, financial institutions, the public sector and company founders and purchasers in the healthcare market. We offer comprehensive support on all aspects of start-up, growth, restructuring, recapitalisation, financing and in M & A exercises. Our services also include comprehensive consultancy on regulatory and reimbursement issues. This is overseen by CEO Michael Weber.
Our expertise in consultancy services for the healthcare industry is housed in our partner company AGENON Gesellschaft für Forschung und Entwicklung im Gesundheitswesen mbH. Our partner at AGENON who oversees these services is Steffen Bohm, the company’s managing director.
Our colleagues at AGENON are specialists in the healthcare industry and health care research. The focal areas of their research and development activities are finance and remuneration in health insurance. AGENON’s consultancy services are concentrated on corporate development in healthcare institutions, particularly hospitals and other medically managed institutions.
In our second key market, the utilities industry – in particular the water and sewerage industries as well as the energy industry – we use our decades-long expertise in public-sector affairs to provide consultancy services predominantly in the areas of transactions, mergers and partial sales (including of assets) involving the participation of state-owned companies. This key area is overseen by Hubertus Grass, partner of BRIDGES.