BRIDGES provides corporate finance consultancy, generally acting as Lead Advisor in corporate acquisitions and sell-offs on behalf of both sellers and purchasers. We are well-versed in all the common forms of structuring such transactions. We have provided consultancy services for transactions both within Germany and abroad. The transaction volumes have ranged from the low millions of euros to over 500 million euros.
We have specialised in transactions involving the participation of the public sector or regulated companies (such as utilities companies, hospitals and care institutions, etc.).
In the healthcare market, BRIDGES has so far advised on more than 60 transactions, predominantly in Germany and Western Europe, with a focus on hospitals and hospital chains of all sizes and ownership structures, on care institutions, and on medical technology companies.
In the energy and environmental markets, BRIDGES has advised on more than 20 transactions, with a focus on energy generation, regional and local German energy suppliers, and water-supply and sewerage management companies.
Our clients have been both German and international companies, their owners, and the public sector as well as regulators in Germany and Europe.
Except for legal and tax consultancy, we generally provide the entire spectrum of conventional services for M & A transactions.
We also use our well-founded market knowledge to provide complementary analyses and evaluations, including strategic planning and scenario analyses in particular.
We firmly believe that, when it comes to M & A, there is no substitute for the in-depth personal experience of the consultant in charge. We are happy to be put to the test.